Every year we have a new intake of speakers, performers and volunteers to welcome into our TEDxLeamingtonSpa family and eight weeks before our event we always host an informal mixer to share ideas. This get-together provides a great opportunity for everyone to meet each other face-to-face and get a sense of where they fit into the bigger picture – delivering our event on Sat 9th Nov.
In the mix

This year’s mixer was hosted by Purple Monster who let us use their fabulous space in Spencer Yard, which provided the ideal setting for everyone to get into the ‘zone’ for the day. Speakers were invited to share the ideas in front of our team and fellow speakers to elicit feedback from a wider audience than their designated coach (each speaker gets one of these) which is crucial at this stage in development.
This date really is when everything starts ramping up for the event – by getting everyone in a huddle, it really does make everything feel a bit more real and we really do get a deeper sense of how the whole day will shape up, which is exciting.